Tuesday 8 January 2013

Srijani - in Durgapur.


            Srijani Auditorium has now become the center of attraction in the twin city. It is the only place everybody wants to conduct their programme. Almost every day this area remains crowded for various cultural programmes, Exhibition, Drama competition, Annual function, congregation of eminent persons, and for other various occasion. It is the cultural centre promoted by the Durgapur Municipal Corporation.
The Srijani Hall

            This International Standard Auditorium was inaugurated by the famous actor Soumitra Chatterjee a few years ago. In that auspicious occasion many other eminent persons like the Film Director Tarun Majumdar, the noted author Sunil Ganguly, famous light technician Tapas Sen and many other eminent persons were present.

            The center compromises with an auditorium with 1370 cozy seats, an Art Gallery and a small theatre hall with nearly 200 seats. The auditorium and the gallery are named on Jibanananda Das and Ram Kinkar Beiz respectively.

             Rathin Roy,Mayor DMC said, “The centre is aimed to draw the attention of the litterateur, poets, artists and persons with innovative ideas. It is meant to help developing cultural activities. We insist the maestros in their respective fields to organize their valuable programs in the large A.C. auditorium where many people can view and learn from their activities. In earlier days we faced a great difficulty for want of such an auditorium in Durgapur and we had to hire various auditorium of other concerns for the programme, Assemblies and Seminars”.           

            It is also learnt from official source that the total cost involved to make such a standardized auditorium was approx. Rs 6 Crore out of which ADDA contributed Rs 1 Crore to build this large center.

            Since it is situated in the heart of the city and well connected with rail & road, people could easily come here. People of this city boast of such an well decorated and modernized Auditorium.

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