Sunday 16 February 2014

DSP constructs new 6 class rooms at Nepalipara Hindi High School under its CSR scheme

DSP constructs new 6 class rooms at Nepalipara Hindi High School under its CSR scheme
Under the CSR scheme, Durgapur Steel Plant has constructed a new SAIL-DSP Block with 6 classrooms at the first floor at Nepalipara Hindi High School. Situated at Labourhat near Durgapur railway station, this co-educational school runs from class V to XII and has around 2200 students (60% boys and 40% girls) and imparts education in Hindi medium. The new six class rooms at the first floor of the school were inaugurated by Mr P K Singh, CEO, DSP. Other senior officials of DSP were also present on the occasion. While inaugurating the newly constructed class rooms, Mr. P K Singh, CEO, DSP said, “Promoting education is one of the thrust areas of DSP in its CSR activities. In this direction, DSP has supported more than 50 schools in this region to upgrade their infrastructure”. Incidentally, a year back DSP constructed 6 class rooms and other facilities at the ground floor of the school. With new six classrooms at the first floor this year, the infrastructure of the school has substantially been improved.
Nepalipara Hindi High School is one among three Hindi high schools in Durgapur imparting education to the children of Hindi speaking population. More than 60% of the students of the school belong to BPL (Below Poverty Line) families. Lack of classrooms and other facilities was posing great difficulties to the school to conduct classes for a large number of students. DSP’s contribution through its CSR scheme in upgrading the entire infrastructure of the school has been lauded by the people in the locality. “We are grateful to DSP for helping our children in their education”, said local resident present in the program.

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